Professional Reference Check

Professional Reference Check


Checking a candidate’s personal and professional references is a very important step in establishing personal integrity and competence
Because references are usually in the form of a personal recommendation or a written letter, they are easily faked. It is imperative to follow up with the person nominated as the referee, or with the writer of a letter of recommendation.

This establishes three things

    1. That the writer is someone who is adequately familiar with the candidate (e.g. known for 5 or more years)
    2. That the writer is someone of status whose opinion is worthy of respect
    3. That the referee is indeed in a position to provide a valid opinion regarding the candidate’s suitability for the post

Only then can a personal reference or the contents of a letter of recommendation be taken at face value.


Why is a reference check so important when considering hiring a candidate?


Like with any other decision in life, personal recommendations carry a great deal of weight. This is one reason why many companies publish customer testimonials on the websites and in promotional literature. They have significant impact on our decision making.

It follows that a false reference would have a strong impact too but for all the wrong reasons and could lead to a disastrous hiring.


How Krib performs reference checks


Our experts take great pains to make direct contact with the referees that a candidate has supplied. Depending on the circumstances, this might take the form of a phone call to the individual’s place of employment or a physical visit to their residence.

The first objective is to ensure that the individual is a real person, and then that they are who the candidate has stated they are.

During the course of that conversation, our expert will invite the individual explain their association with the candidate and to add any further comments that may be appropriate.

Full details of the contact are included in the subsequent report, which you receive.


Benefits of a Krib candidate reference verification


When you receive positive results in a Krib reference check you know that the candidate in question stacks up against the references he or she presented. Any doubt regarding their validity is instantly removed and you may confidently move to the next step in the hiring process.


Request a reference verification


Contact us today and let us perform a personal and professional references check for a candidate on your behalf. This is just one of our many background check services.

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