Purpose of employee background screening checks

Every time an organization hires a new employee they are taking on a degree of risk. Obviously the interview process is intended to clarify competencies and any possible shortcomings. Employers often choose to further de-risk the process by verifying that the candidate really is who he or she claims to be (identity check) and that the work experience stated on a resume is an accurate reflection of their employment history. This is the main pillar of background checks.

What aspects are checked?

That is decided by your potential employer. The most commonly requested checks validate the information you provided to your recruiter. That may be the application form, your resume, covering letter and any other documents you may have supplied such as salary slips, copies of your ID or academic and professional qualification certificates, and so on. Your permanent address, most recent employment details and references are often checked too. Some employers also request criminal record checks or credit history checks to obtain a picture of other areas of your background. It’s always best to ask your recruiter what their background check entails.

How far back do checks go?

Unless an employer requests otherwise, it is usually only current details such as ID, employer, address and academic and professional certificates. For more in-depth checks, it is typically details for the previous 6 years, or longer in the case of criminal records checks.

How long will my background check take?

It depends on the depth of checking and the availability of other organizations to respond. That includes educational establishments and employers. Generally speaking a regular check takes 2 to 3 weeks but sometimes it can take up to 6 weeks, depending on the depth of checking. Employers frequently request deeper checks for senior executive positions and positions of responsibility.

Will I see the report that you send to my employer?

Because the information involved is of a highly sensitive and confidential nature, we operate very strict privacy and security policies. Only your employer will see your report. You may, of course, request the employer to allow you to see it but we will never divulge it to anybody other than the employer who engaged us.

Can I find out where I am in the checking process

We only deal with your employer. Any questions you may have should be directed to your recruiter. We will be happy to answer any queries from our contact in your employer’s organization (our client).

Can I make the checking process faster?

Yes, by being accurate in the information you provide to your recruiter and by responding promptly to any subsequent queries that may arise during the checking procedure.

Do you make recommendations based on the information you find out?

No, absolutely not. Our report to your recruiter contains only factual information resulting from our checks. It is up to your employer to interpret that information in whatever way they decide.

If I have lived or worked in other countries do you check that too?

We have international reach, which means we can carry out checks in any country. However, that depends on whether or not your employer decides to request such checks.

Employers may request a background check today

Contact us today for more information about our range of services for employers, or to request a background check now.

What is an employment background check?

Background Check verifies a job candidate’s resume and job application. Independent sources such as Criminal and Court records, Prior employers, educational institutions, Address Check,

What is a criminal background check?

Criminal history files are searched for possible criminal records for an applicant. These criminal record searches are the core of any employment background check. Criminal record checks are the most common of all searches requested from A Matter of Fact.

What can be included in a background check?

The basic searches ordered as part of most background checks are County Criminal Record Checks, Employment Verifications, and Education Verifications, Address Check, Drug check.

What is the best background check?

The best background check is a comprehensive background check. A comprehensive background check allows an employer to verify those areas that are important to job performance, would impact the applicant’s job qualifications, or could identify safety issues

What shows up on a background check?

A Background Check shows the discrepancies between a candidate’s claims and information reported by independent sources such as court records, prior employers, schools, and government agencies.

Do errors occur in background checks?

Yes! Errors do occur in background checks. The information in a background check is created, compiled, filed, stored, retrieved, and reported by individuals who can make mistakes and computer systems that can fail to operate properly.

Who does background checks?

Professional background screening firms like A Matter of Fact conduct the actual background checks for most private employers. Some large companies have internal corporate security departments. Most government entities use agencies such as the Vigilance.

How to pass a background check?

Give a frank and honest explanation during the job interview of any past problems. Check your records, check your references, and check your web footprints

How long does a background check take to complete?

Results are gathered from multiple sources and completed in one to three business days. The process may take longer because a few courts, employers, and schools are hard to contact or slow to respond. Results from these sources are usually back within a week.

How far back do background checks go?

The most common employment background check requested by our clients is: A Criminal Record Checks for country in which an applicant lived, worked, and went to school, Employment Verifications for employers for which the applicant worked during their professional career and Education Verifications for all post high school education. However the full answer to the question is more complicated than that.

What do employers look for in a background check?

Most prospective employers are concerned about discrepancies between what the applicant claimed and what is reported by schools, prior employers, etc. Most also watch for negative reports such as a bad driving record or a criminal history. It is wise for employers to attempt to verify anything that is important to job performance, would impact the applicant’s job qualifications, or could impact the safety of the public, fellow employees, and customers.

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