Court Record Check

Court Record Check


This background screening service can be engaged to uncover any criminal or civil case registered against a candidate you are considering hiring for a role in your organization.

Larger companies, or those filling sensitive positions or senior positions of some responsibility, would be prudent to consider checking court records for applicants. As with other screening checks, the purpose is to identify potential issues that could cause problems further down the line.

What is a background screening court record check?


When discussing a background check, court records can be divided into two categories: criminal court records and civil court records. Access is often subject to legislation in some jurisdictions and is not always readily available. Records are still maintained and stored manually in many countries. Computerization has historically been slow to catch up in the legal and courts system worldwide.

This check involves searching for records of any charges against the individual in question in courts of the jurisdiction specified by the client. This can be the Supreme Court of the country or a specific state, High Courts, District Courts, Tribunals or others.


Where does Krib Information Services source its court information from?


Government websites provide the necessary data in many cases, but not all. Our investigators may have to also visit police stations to obtain certain types of records. The process is a mix of utilizing all the resources available to us based on our experience, and knowing where to start to locate specific types of information. We always seek corroboration from at least two sources of information if at all possible.


What does a background check report on court records contain?


Our report for the client may include several pieces of data regarding a recorded case, such as:

  • Court of record and location
  • Case number and category of case
  • Name of plaintiff and defendant
  • The disposition (decision of the court), disposition date, and judgment
  • Annexure (if it exists)

Every country’s judicial system is different. You can find out more about India’s court system .


Request a court record check today


Contact us to request a background screening court record check or to discuss your scope of requirements. Our experts are always happy to assist you and explain what is involved.

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